Puller or rooster??


5 Years
Jul 21, 2014
This is a Rhode Island White. We were told it was a pulley when we got her with our three other chicks (buff Orpington, barred rock & Australop) but she was much larger when we got her. I assumed she was 2 weeks older than the rest which would make her about 8 weeks now. She's more outgoing than the others and seems to be the dominant one. Her crest is more red than the others & it's looks like she's getting waddles. These are my first chickens so I'm totally new to this. Can you tell if she's a hen or rooster??
Thanks all for the feedback. Here's some more pics I took from my phone this am. I was in a hurry so they aren't great.
Thank you everyone for your replies. You are very helpful & I appreciate your support. This is all new to me. Luckily I purchased him from a breeder who will exchange any he's for she's so I'm in contact with them. Thx!
Looks like a cockerel to me. The only white birds that develop such large, red combs at this age and are still pullets would be Leghorns or Leghorn mixes.

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