Pullet Gurgling Sound in Throat

I would think that ground up or canned dog food or catfood might provide some additional protein, since you can't get crumbles. And it will also provide variety and interest which might improve their appetites. Chickens when ill seem to prefer moist/ soft food. If we have a sick chicken I find that applesauce, yogurt or chopped grapes, mixed with feed, are tempting for them. Hard boiled or scrambled eggs are another source of protein which they should like. And cooked lean hamburger. Mealworms. Our chickens do free range, and although we provide grit for them, usually I see them selecting their own grit from the ground, as yours probably do to a point, although they wouldn't have as much access since they don't free range.

I agree cracked corn is better and our chickens prefer it to whole corn.

In the morning before breakfast, their crop should be not full, you should be able to run your hand over it and it will feel flat, not distended, full, or mushy.

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