Pullet lethargic, one eyelid closed, strange droppings


May 13, 2022
Seven week old pullet kept with five other birds. None of the others are symptomatic.

I came into the coop this morning and she was lethargic and unmoving with one eyelid closed. (However when she blinks it open, her eyeball looks fine.) Her weight seems ok. No visible wounds, no pasty butt. Her poop looks strange to me though - see pic.

I have her on Corid, vitamins and electrolytes. But it has to be given through syringe; she has stopped drinking and eating for the most part.

I fed Purina organic chick feed, but last week switched to NatureWise chick.
Their water always has a splash of apple cider vinegar.
Bedding is pine shavings.

Looking for any help I can give. Thank you so much… It breaks my heart that she’s like this.

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I'm no expert but that poop looks like gleet. I had a hen with chronic gleet and her poop often looked like that or like little cream balls.
I separated her and cleaned her vent several times a day with chlorhexidine solution until it cleared up.
She looks pretty far gone though, so i don't know if that would help.
Poor baby...

How does her crop feel? Is it squishy (like a water balloon) or hard? You said she's stopped eating. That or a crop problem might explain the weird poop.

Also - the eye. Is it foamy at all?

She's just so young to be having these issues...
I have her on Corid, vitamins and electrolytes. But it has to be given through syringe; she has stopped drinking and eating for the most part.

I fed Purina organic chick feed, but last week switched to NatureWise chick.
If you are giving Corid, then stop the vitamins/electrolytes.

Corid liquid dose is 2tsp per gallon of water give for 5-7 days.

I would also drench her with undiluted liquid Corid at a rate of 0.1ml per pound of weight once a day for 3 days. This is in addition to getting the Mixed Corid into her several times throughout the day.

You switched feed, the new feed isn't moldy or smells off? Just checking.

What's her crop like? Is it emptying?
How does her crop feel? Is it squishy (like a water balloon) or hard? You said she's stopped eating. That or a crop problem might explain the weird poop.

Also - the eye. Is it foamy at all?

She's just so young to be having these issues...
Crop feels smooth… like nothing in it
Eye is clear, not foamy.
If you are giving Corid, then stop the vitamins/electrolytes.

Corid liquid dose is 2tsp per gallon of water give for 5-7 days.

I would also drench her with undiluted liquid Corid at a rate of 0.1ml per pound of weight once a day for 3 days. This is in addition to getting the Mixed Corid into her several times throughout the day.

You switched feed, the new feed isn't moldy or smells off? Just checking.

What's her crop like? Is it emptying?
I just found that out (about not giving the vitamins at the same time.) sorry, so much conflicting but well-meaning advice. Ok, will stop the vitamins. Thank you.

The Corid I have is powder. For the “drench”, how would I prepare it then?

New feed smells fine, but I ran out yesterday to get the old brand and switched her back… just in case.

Crop feels empty.

Thank you for your help.

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