Pullet or Roo?


8 Years
Jan 6, 2012
I'm hoping that those of you with more chicken experience will have an opinion. What do you think? Definitely a roo, or is there still a chance that this will be a hen? It's a 17 week old Americauna. To give you an idea of the size, that's a 17 week old Rhode Island Red in the background (no doubt in my mind that the Rhode Island Red is a pullet). It's the Americauna that I'm worried about.
See those long, drapey feathers in front of his tail? Those are called saddle feathers, and only roosters get them. His hackle feathers are a little harder to tell in this pic, but they are the long, flowy feathers from his neck. Those are hallmark signs of a rooster. Look between him and your hens, the hens won't have that type of feathers.
That's what I was afraid of. Darn! We live in the burbs and can't keep a rooster. We only have the two chickens, so not only have to get rid of 'Melba', we have to find a replacement so the other isn't alone. I was pretty sure, but needed confirmation. Anyone in the SF Bay area want a rooster?!


see those light feathers coming down from head to shoulders, hackle feathers (when they puff them out looks like a muff around their faces)
the ones coming off the back, down to the sides by tail...saddle feathers...

he looks like similar to my EE mix roo:

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