Pullet Reorganizing Fake Eggs

Well, it wasn't who I thought it was lol! Ada, my EE, is the one reorganizing the eggs and laying blue eggs. A month ago when the eggs started appearing, Fancy had a much more developed comb and Ada was quite pale in comparison. Thankfully Ada doesn't appear to be going full on broody and with the days getting shorter, it seems unlikely that she will, correct? Also ignore the date on the video, I swear I set it correctly, but apparently not. 😅
Yes, it's true.

I have accidentally crushed an egg (fortunately infertile), by picking up a broody to pull her out of the nestbox.

Now I never move a broody without first "picking her pockets" -- reaching up under her wings to remove any eggs she's holding up there in her "armpits".
I have accidentally done this too! Never again! Felt awful

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