Pullet Sneezing


7 Years
Oct 28, 2012
We have an almost 4 month old pullet that has been sneezing and has nasal discharge. Shes healthy otherwise. She runs and plays and eats like the rest of our chickens. All the other chickens don't have symptoms like her. We bought some VetRX but we don't know how to use it or if its what she needs. Please if you know how to use it tell me and if you have any other ideas I would like to know.
I've had 2 like that on 2 different occasions. I had great luck with Tylan 50 from tractor supply or any farm store. Put mine in an isolated cage in garage and fed orally in piece of bread for 5 days. One day egg withdrawl. Both bounced right back. You can do a 3 day treatment injecting into breast if you prefer.

probiotics afterwards. worked in my small flock.

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It can be done orally or injection. Injection is quicker treatment....3 days. Orally is longer, 5 days. I wasn't comfortable giving shots. I have cochins so I did 1/4 cc on a small piece of bread x 5 days. Birds over 4 lbs get 1/2 cc. I isolated sick bird so I know they ate the bread.

Dont eat eggs while they are taking it, and I am almost certain egg withdrawl is just 24 hours after last treatment. (double check that- maybe its 3 days withdrawl)

The link I provided has a lot more info, from people much more educated than me. Check it out. That particular case didn't have a good ending, but my 2 hens bounced right back. No sneeze or mucus.


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