Pullet with broken wing- please give advice?


7 Years
May 11, 2012
Coweta, OK
My puppy got ahold of a little pullet tonight, about 4 months old, the wing is completely broken just below the shoulder joint- clean break, bone poking through skin. She's in shock and I don't know if she will make it but I also don't know how to heal the injury if she does. Any advice? I have no surgical experience but am not squeamish and would like to try and save her (she is one I marked as a "keeper" for my breeding plan). I am thinking amputation may be her best bet? I don't think I can get the bones to line back up it may be she is just holding her wing tense because of the pain. I will post some pictures in a little bit.
Give her electrolytes ASAP for shock. Can you straighten out her wing,often this may realign bone. Try this if you get bone realigned,use something like steri -strips skin closure tape to close wound. Make sure you use gloves and work in a clean area as any bone exposed to air(compound fracture) is at risk for infection.

Clean wound using saline solution or warm water,set bone,apply steri-strips to close wound then apply antibiotic ointment around area(do after otherwise steri-strips may not stick). Once bone has realigned,wrap wing to body to immobilize.Try wrapping in a figure eight around injured wing,under good wing,under body and back up. Might be a good idea to put her on antibiotics b/c of bone being exposed to air. For pain she can have a low dose aspirin(81mg) or reg(325mg)aspirin,dose is 25mg per lb of body weight,give orally(wrap in a pce of meat or cheese)or dissolve one 325mg aspirin in 1 gallon of water. Encourage eating/drinking. Keep her warm,when ill/injured birds cannot regulate body temp)keep her inside to monitor her condition. Give vitamins. Make sure she has access to extra calcium(oyster shells/eggshells)while healing.

Watch for any sign of infection.
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If you decide wound needs to be stitched to keep closed,use ordinary nylon fishing line as this is less likely to promote infection. You will probably only need one or two stitches. Whatever you decide stitches or steri-strips,make sure bone is not exposed to air as it cannot be allowed to dry out.
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Well I think I managed to reset the bone. It is precarious I couldn't stitch it or even tape the wound closed, just pressed some gauze with antibiotic cream against her side and taped her wing to her body. Anything else I tried to do made the bone slip out again. Antibiotics in the water and also rinsed the wound with betadine. She seems to be out of shock but in pain. I will get some aspirin in the morning poor girl.
Well I think I managed to reset the bone. It is precarious I couldn't stitch it or even tape the wound closed, just pressed some gauze with antibiotic cream against her side and taped her wing to her body. Anything else I tried to do made the bone slip out again. Antibiotics in the water and also rinsed the wound with betadine. She seems to be out of shock but in pain. I will get some aspirin in the morning poor girl.
You did a great job,watch for infection and encourage eating/drinking.

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