Pullet with hens


May 26, 2020
Eastern Massachusetts
So it happened. We got freedom ranger roosters about 12 weeks ago for meat. Ended up with One hen in the bunch of 60. I have become attached to her and she to me. Follows me around and wants to be held. Very sweet bird. Does not really get into the squabbles the boys get themselves into, but definitely comes to me when I’m in and around.

I’d like to keep her, and try to integrate her in our 1 year old laying flock (16 birds in all, there’s a rooster in that flock) of mixed heritage breeds who are eating layer mash. Does anyone have experience with feeding a mixed flock? Is it the worst idea to feed her layer feed? Thanks to any and all folx who provide words of wisdom.
So it happened. We got freedom ranger roosters about 12 weeks ago for meat. Ended up with One hen in the bunch of 60. I have become attached to her and she to me. Follows me around and wants to be held. Very sweet bird. Does not really get into the squabbles the boys get themselves into, but definitely comes to me when I’m in and around.

I’d like to keep her, and try to integrate her in our 1 year old laying flock (16 birds in all, there’s a rooster in that flock) of mixed heritage breeds who are eating layer mash. Does anyone have experience with feeding a mixed flock? Is it the worst idea to feed her layer feed? Thanks to any and all folx who provide words of wisdom.
Honestly, I would expect her to be fine, maybe wean her down to the lower protein though. I have chicks sometimes that eat layer crumble from the day they hatch and they do fine for the most part.
I have a couple FR hens. They are decent layers, and I had no problem introducing them to my other birds once all but one boy went to freezer camp. If she's 12 weeks, layer feed shouldn't be an issue, as she will be laying soon, but you could feed everyone chick starter/grower with oyster shells on the side.

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