Pullet with wet vent


7 Years
May 3, 2012
Good morning everyone! I hope that someone can help me with this issue. I am a new backyard chicken owner and am not sure if this is even a problem. I have four Delaware pullets, about 5 weeks old which I absolutely love. One of my pullets has a wet, raw-looking vent and I am worried about the chick's health. The coop that I am using for them previously housed three families of muscovy ducks but the coop was thoroughly cleaned and disinfected with a mild bleach solution prior to introducing the chicks. I am giving them a diet of Purina's Start & Grow which I supplement with a few fresh bugs each day which drives the little girls crazy. They live for the bugs! Anyway, the feed is dispensed from an inverted jar-type, trough feeder as is their water which is changed daily. They all appear to be healthy and are very active including the one with the wet vent but I am still a bit worried since none of the other three pullets are exhibiting this appearance. Has anyone experienced this (malady?) with their pullets? Any information is greatly appreciated as I am new to chickens and have much to learn. Also, I forgot to add, the coop is 1/4" wire mesh so there is plenty of fresh air, they have a heat lamp in one corner which I turn on at night, and the rear 1/3 of the coop is covered with soft, pine shavings. The coop itself is well-built of treated lumber and is only about 2 1/2 months old.
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Since I live in Florida, it sounds like mine do at times. If it's hot, they drink more water. Then they have runny watery stools. I think the first thing I'd try is to put some vaseline or ointment on the area to keep the acidic fluid from burning the area. And check for bugs. You might want to clean the area with a bit of soap and water first, pat dry, then put on some sticky gooey ointment. Hope this helps.
Thank you so much for taking the time to reply to my query. It is very reassuring to hear from you, a chicken owner who lives in and understands this climate/environment. I will take your advice today and hope that this little girl's vent clears up soon. Thanks again for your kind advice.

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