Pullets got into my big bag o' raisons is this a bad thing?


13 Years
Jun 21, 2009
Mutant Earl (Hemingway Cat) the stray I feed knocked down a bag of raisons I left out and the pullets ATE a TON! Their little lopsided chests are huge. Should I be concerned? Or will the next Egg layed taste of rum raison? (just kidding about the rum part) seriously, I think the one pullets crop is the size of a golf ball or a lacrosse ball The girls are 6 mos old and only the BPR lays eggs the other two are SLW and not yet laying.

I think they'll be OK. Lots of birds eat raisins, and they are fed to birds. The amout is a little disconcerting. Keep an eye on them, that's a lot of fiber and sugars. Make sure the crop goes down and they are pooping.
Good luck

Imp- If they start a sugar high- take pictures.
Will they start acting like Captain Jack with Rum from Pirates of the Carribean?

Thanks for easing my worry. Normally, I try to use moderation but I guess Mutant Earl and the girls seem to have an understanding. He must be working for them now!!!

He is a good cat but a stray and I have 4 former strays inside already - He is content to sleep in the hay between the two coops.


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