Pullets together


In the Brooder
Apr 6, 2024
I've got six, three week olds that are a decent size all fluffed up so now outside in a coop, and I've got eight, six week olds I was just wondering can I merge them all into one coop (the coop and run is big enough) just for ease of feed while I'm away for a couple of days, thank you
Agreed. Younger is better. The 8 week plus tend to be ostracized by adults even when broody raised. They're right brats and irritating to all at that age...and once laying, they've usually worked out differences so adding birds disrupts that. Younger birds haven't started the bratty fights yet so settle in together much more easily.
I would suggest merging them several days to a week before you go away so that you can monitor interactions. In my experience, young birds have been relatively easy to integrate. Good luck.

When are you leaving? If you can merge them before you leave great. But I would not throw them together as you leave and dump them on someone else. You could have a disaster.

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