puncture wound


11 Years
Jun 21, 2008
I got 11 hens 3 weeks ago. They have been in a quarantine coop until last night. I picked up a hen this am and discovered a piece of stick embedded in her thigh. She had no access to this type of material since she's been here. The stick was embedded about 1 1/2 inches in. When I removed the stick there was red blood on the end and pus on the part that was at skin level. There is a foul smell from the site. She has not been limping or has not shown any other signs of distress. Do I treat the wound with peroxide of something else? Some people have said to use honey. I have access to unprocessed honey. Is that ok to use?
I'm no expert on avian anatomy, but I can tell you if it were a mammal this's what I'd do:

-Clean the wound thoroughly with mild soap and water. If there is a foul smell it means that infection(And probably a fairly advanced one at that) has set in. Gangrene may set in, so you must clean it immediately and as thoroughly as you can.
-Pat the wound dry, and apply neosporin(The gel kind not the cream.. in my experience the gel stuff works best for internal/muscular injury). Be very generous. This stuff is miraculous.
-Put a bandage on the wound and tape it up VERY WELL. You don't want dirt getting in there.

If the animal moves around and moves the wound it shouldn't bother it too much- it won't advance the infection or anything. Check the bandage daily, cleaning and reapplying neosporin as needed.
Honey works, but its homeopathic(AKA a last ditch effort) and it attracts mites/flies/larvae(DELICIOUS!) who just love warm, damp places to live(Like open wounds!) which, for someone who lives outside 24/7 is probably not the best answer.
Peroxide is the traditional approach to puncture wounds as it tends to "boil out" the dirt. It's rough on new tissue growing in, though, so use it early only, and it's best to rinse afterwards. I would not dress it as it will need to drain, or dress it loosely with gauze to catch drainage, but I agree about the Neosporin, I love the sutff.

The biggest factor in wound care, I am convinced, is attention: take care of what arises and use your common sense.
On closer inspection the hole was not in her thigh but in her body. Well, it was over an hour after I removed the stick until I was able to treat her. The hole was still open. The wound has been trying to heal around the stick. I flushed it with peroxide and packed it with Neosporin ointment. I gave her water, yogurt, crumble and hard boiled egg. She didn't want any of it. I brought in a friend to keep her company and that seemed to help a bit. Would it be better to put her back with the flock where she has been or keep her in the house? She has been eating and drinking normally with the flock. Her weight seems good. I can catch her after dark and treat her if necessary.

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