Puppies in Wisconsin....

here are the puppies that aren't spoken for already.......

Girl #1 all white

Girl--Teegan #2 badger markings

Girl #3 white & cream

Girl #4 all white

Girl--Sidney #5 reminds me of a St. Bernard/badger markings

Boy #6 badger markings

Boy #7 all white

Again these are the puppies that aren't spoken for that are for sale...I should of thought it through a little more when I posted the original pictures so noone was hoping for one that someone else already picked out.....
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I know...it's getting harder and harder knowing I have to let them leave as the date gets closer and closer.
They all have that OH SO CUTE PUPPY BREATH now. And there personalities are starting to shine more and more. There are a few that remind me of the "Marley and Me" commercials...Where he's laying flat out on his stomach eatting the dog food. Even found one yesterday actually inside the puppy food bag eatting. She was in all her glory. I could just imagine what she was thinking"I hit a gold mine, this is ALL for me!!"
They love playing with there toys and making all kinds of GRRRRR! GRRRRR! noises. It's histarical to watch them running and jumping around.
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If my wife wasn't expecting triplets, and didn't have four dogs already, I'd take one. Those are adorable! Do you have any pictures of the mom or dad?
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I have been following your other topic on "Expecting" actually just got done reading that and jumped over to this topic.
3 kids and 3 on the way....CONGRATS first off...
I have 3 kids in the house (that is IF you include my husband as a kid..haha) 4 dogs(3 of which are HUGE dogs and 1 mid-sized dog) and now 11 puppies....I bet those babies would love to have a baby puppy to grow up with....ahhahahahaha

I have pictures of the mom(Macy). I will see if I can get some of the dad(Bo)as he's a friend of ours dog.

Will have to go upload some pictures of Macy now...
We have 3 HUGE dogs, and a boston terrier (great dane, great pyraneese, newfoundland and aboston terrier) Don't think our old house is big enough for another one lol
That sound so like our house.....
Our mid sized dog M.J (going on 4 and) is a blue tick heeler/rat t errior/ aus. shepard cross.
Our HUGE dogs are Dodge (age 8 1/2 and ) is Newfoundland/St. Bernard cross. Jackyl (age 5 months) purebreed Great Pyrenesse. and Macy (the puppies mom) is 3/4 Great Pyrenesse 1/4 Border Collie.

I have always and for ever wanted a Great Dane...Been looking at them in the paper ALOT lately. But I have also wanted a St. Bernard, Newfoundland, Mastiff, and a Bulldog....Obviously not really into the little dogs....
When we got married, jenn said she wanted a boston terrier, so we get one. then she wanted the others... and of course, i gave in. lol. and if we didn't have all the animals we have, we'd take one. the feed bill is getting too high. and with 3 babies, its going to get higher.
I like girl number 3. Is she taken? I am interested in personality though too. Can I come over and check them out in person next week? PM me or call Thanks

edit: I can put a down payment on one.
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girl number 1 looks pretty nice too. What are the differences in the personalities so far?

edut:girl 4 is pretty cute too. Do you have pics of mom and dad?
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