

5 Years
Nov 29, 2014
This puppy was dumped at my friends house. She's about 6-8 months old. What sort of mix does she look like? Also she needs a name!

I was thinking she looked a little pit too, but didn't wanna say for sure since they always get such a bad rap. And she's a little shy and likes to growl at strangers
I was thinking she looked a little pit too, but didn't wanna say for sure since they always get such a bad rap. And she's a little shy and likes to growl at strangers

I'm no Caesar Milan, but that kind behaviour suggests she is insecure, which is understandable considering she's been dumped. Be a little cautious if you are not very familiar with dealing with dogs like these I'd suggest.

All the best
Just suggesting you term her a Bully Breed not a pit, try to gather friends in a line all have a treat ie piece of hotdog. Take her to a mall with treats again hotdogs work great or chicken hearts sprinkle garlic and bake 1/2 hour at 350 not as much mess in the pockets.
Definitely appears to be a Pit mix, nothing wrong with calling her what she is. I don't try to cover up the fact that my dog is a Rottweiler by calling him something else despite public opinion. But that's just my own opinion lol. Do invest a lot of time in her, lots and lots and lots of training and especially socializing, and after that do some more! Obedience classes are always a good idea.
Definitely appears to be a Pit mix, nothing wrong with calling her what she is. I don't try to cover up the fact that my dog is a Rottweiler by calling him something else despite public opinion. But that's just my own opinion lol. Do invest a lot of time in her, lots and lots and lots of training and especially socializing, and after that do some more! Obedience classes are always a good idea.
I do not disagree entirely I just know so many places have banned the pits not really knowing them it's the breeder not the breed. I have fought the bans of breeds and public perceptions having Belgians myself long before it was popular

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