Pure honey vs Pure honey


Staff PhD
Premium Feather Member
16 Years
Jan 25, 2007
Everett WA/Corvallis OR
So here's a question about honey which I know nothing about.

Why is some clover "pure honey" runnier than other clover "pure honey"? The thicker one has more flavor and is less "sugar flavored" then the liquidier one...

Like milk from the store, is honey "re diluted" after processed?

I'm comparing jars of honey from two sources...
Honey gets thicker as it gets older. Eventually, it will sugar up. Just put the honey in the container into a pan of hot water and it will re liquify.

Honey from different areas will taste a little different, depending upon what the bees are working. Sometimes honeys are blended to achieve the desired flavor.

The best honey is from your own hive.

Maybe some day I can get a bee hive!!! But some day....

So honey carries different qualities that vary on diet.

I was suspicious about the runny one I got from the store because under the 100% clover honey label, there was an old label saying it was honey and corn syrup in the ingredients.

I think I'll go back to the farmer's stand to get my honey from now on since what ever blend they have is excellent and well worth the 4 bucks for a little bear. I got it mid summer in oregon... so gotta get it again at the same time and place!
yes, backyard bee honey is definetely better than store bought. We like the honey combs best, it's like chewing gum that you can swallow!

Don't count on that farmstand honey tasting exactly like you remember it unless you go the exact same week this year! The (raw) honey we get from beekeeing friends varies WIDELY in its taste and color depending on what was in bloom when the bees were making it. it's ALL wonderful, but never exactly the same (unlike the blended, pasteurized generic storebought stuff).

I have been beekeeping for 10yrs. I have NEVER the same quaility, flavor, color of honey. Honey flow is dictated by weather conditions as much as anything! One yr. my honey might be almost clear and running--the next yr. it might be very dark and thick. One yr. it might taste like holly the next it might be clover.. Some keepers do feed sugar water and will have it in their honey..
Not good business practice but it does happen. I say find a local beekeeper, until you can get your own hives.Dixie
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Does anyone have a web link expalining the honey helping allergies thing? I have heard from a few that local honey will help with allergies. Is this just a personal experiance or is there some research done on this?
I heard that on the news a few days ago. My dd is allergic to every weed tree and grass,and gets allergy shots. She has been eating honey since she was 2, can't say as to whether eating honey works, but it sure is good.
BTW: the honey sellers at the local farm stands will usually tell you which honey is from which season, ie: clover, spring or summer flowers or fall, clover and spring honey will usually be the lightest and mildest. We like them all, and the comb is definetly the best

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