Purely Poultry Quality??


8 Years
Jul 9, 2011
North Carolina
Has anyone here ever ordered from Purely Poultry Hatchery? If so, what was the livability of the chicks you received? Were many DOA, or not? Did they reach the weights and general standards Purely Poultry claimed they would? Please share your experiences!!!
I got some a few months ago. They were okay but I have very few left. After a week they started dropping weight but the ones I hatched from my own stock continued to thrive. I have about 8 left from 25 and i am selling those off. They haven't thrived as well as I would have hoped and some breeds didn't make it all together.
I just have such better luck buying from breeders and hatching my own. I get a great growth rate and hatch rates. My own birds do wonderful but hatchery chicks have often had vaccinations in them or their parent stock and they can't survive on a real farm.
I have ordered from Purely Poultry for the very first time (first chicks ever)..They were suppose to ship today...Got a message from them that they had a problem with hatching....My Cochin Bantams were unavailable but they would replace them with more silkies and frizzles....So I called them to say that this would be Ok and they are only open until 1pm this time of year....So now they won't ship until tomorrow...So they won't arrive until Wed or Thurs...normally that wouldn't be an issue but school starts on Thursday and I have to be there at 7:45am...I will probably have to set the brooder up at school and then take it home at the end of the day!!!
My chicks did ship on schedule....They just did the substitutions....They all arrived fine.....ordered 10 chicks got 9!!! Thought with taking the subs and all maybe would have gotten extra not shorted.....the said that one must have jumped out of my box int some one elses!!!! and that they would credit me!!

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