Purina Flock Block?


10 Years
Sep 4, 2009
Boise, Idaho
Has anyone used this? I saw it at the feed store yesterday, and it costs about the same as 50# of scratch grains, and weighs 25#. It seems like there would be less wastage with the block, but it would cut down on the foraging behavior that keeps them busy with the scratch scattered all over the run.
I used one last winter. It took a while for my 6 chickens to go through it. Gave them something to do in the winter.

This was before I switched to organic feed.
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I've used them and think they're great, it occupies the girls, and is a fairly healthy treat, so it's all good!
If you look around on here, you'll find individual member's recipes for their own home-made smaller flock block treats. It's just something you may find interesting.
Hello fellow chicken lovers......I have a question on feeding....I've been feeding my chickens scratch mixed with a bag of corn chops and laying pellets,but now that it's getting hotter do I continue feeding them the scratch?...and my other question is what brands of feed do you guys feed you chickens,because I've been going to just a regular feed store which is cheaper,but I think I should probably go back to tractor supply.....any help would be greatly appreciated.
I feed my girls Purina Layena pellets. Even my crooked beaked EE eats it fine. I scatter about 1/4 cup scratch and 1 cup BOSS in the run every morning to allow the hens to forage and peck until they are allowed out in the evening to free range over the grass, etc. I have used the flock blocks in the winter. The first one took a week or better to go through. It did give them something to do. The next two were done withing days! After they get used to the idea of eating the flock block, I think it would be good to change it's location, height, etc, to make it "new" again...something to investigate but not feast on in one sitting!
Our TSC just started carrying them this spring as well! I'm going to give the girls one on our next weekend we leave town, I think it will help keep them occupied while we're away!!

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