Purple comb

Purple like that can indicate poor circulation, not enough oxygen getting around. Usually this is a genetic heart problem, and I would not expect her to live long. But she might... no saying.
Yahh you’re right she didn’t live long she just passed away. I hope this doesn’t affect the rest of my flock
Oh, believe me, I get it, and she's really young so it's weird, if it gets too bad It may be best to put her down. How is her behavior day to day? Is she socializing with the others, sleeping with them or sleeping in the same spot?
Yahh she’s very young still, but unfortunately she just passed away right when I was going to put the chickens to bed. She usually sleeps well with the whole flock I’ve never experienced bullying they all get along good. I hope this doesn’t affect the rest of my flock
It really won't, maybe a day or two, but generally they don't miss them much. Probably just a genetic ailment, nothing catching.
Well I mean the sickness hopefully it’s not something that the others could catch cause she got sick completely out of nowhere. It’s crazy that I’ve had multiple chicken pass so young I don’t know how there getting sick so fast
I am not quite sure what you mean about so many chickens pass so young, but with a purple comb, it is very probable that this was a genetic ailment, and when that failed to keep up, the chicken is much more susceptible to anything else.

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