Purple Peafowl Eggs

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Where in Michigan are you located, if you mind me asking? My husband was just talking to me tonight about adding peafowl to our little hobby farm.
We're located in Midwest Wisconsin
@yoopergirl1211 Sorry, whatever causes my purples to start laying early also causes them to stop early, they haven't had since late June and my male dropped his train.
My purple pen is currently laying, and as I have set all the eggs I want to for the year, I am listing batches of eggs to ship. We are NPIP certified, and our flock ID is 34-645. I accept payment through PayPal (I can email an invoice to be paid by credit card, too, I believe). Eggs are $10 each, and you may claim up to 6 (peafowl only lay every other day, so this should ensure you get the freshest eggs). Shipping is $16.

Before purchase please bear in mind that peafowl have a lifespan of 15-20 years, require a high-quality/high protein feed (expensive!!) and vitamins to support their beautiful (and rapid) feather growth, need at least 10x30' pens, and are extremely loud in the summer. If you have questions about hatching or care, please ask BEFORE purchase!

The pen is composed as follow: One male purple pied split blackshoulder (proven split, we hatched BS chicks from his pen last year), one female purple pied, one female purple pied blackshoulder, and two female purple pied blackshoulders.

Babies potentially include: White, purple pied, purple dark pied, purple pied blackshoulder, purple dark pied blackshoulder, purple blackshoulder split pied, purple pied split blackshoulder, purple dark pied split blackshoulder, and purple split blackshoulder and pied.

If you have questions, please feel free to ask. Here are some photos of the parents:
Orion, caught between showing off and not showing off

what a dork

look at all that purple shine ooo ahhh

he does this a lot what a nerd

He claimed this stump and refused to get off of it until I pushed him off

**Please remember that hatching eggs sales are subject to the whims of very beautiful but ultimately very silly birds, who may decide to stop laying at random, causing shipping to be delayed or possibly canceled toward the end of their laying season.

***Please note that I will ship your eggs the Monday following purchase. I can only guarantee that the eggs are from the birds above, and that they will leave my care intact and fertile. I cannot guarantee handling during shipping or your incubation method success rates.

I'd like to order four eggs. I love the pictures! I'm new to this an excited. I am blessed with a husband that was raised on a farm. I'm educating myself but, I like having back up.
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