Put some eggs in with the broody hens


8 Years
Mar 4, 2011
I marked a few eggs and put them in the spot where my broody hens like to lay their eggs. They seemed really confused at first when I put the eggs back, then started trying to pull grass and such out from outside the pen to put around the eggs. It was really cute. I put some shredded paper bedding in there for them, then some grass clippings, now only time will tell if they will commit to the eggs. I plan on taking the eggs out on lockdown date, and putting them inside the incubator for hatching(not sure if it would be safe in the pen for new chicks.) I also plan on setting some eggs in the bator tomorrow, going to see which gives me a better hatch rate. I would set the other egs tonight, but I need to buy a new thermometer, and... I need more eggs haha.

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