Put them in the Coop


6 Years
Mar 21, 2013
We got three sex links and two brown leghorns around Easter. Built a pallet coup in the backyard and have been locking them up at night until this week. The coop has a run, but I have been letting them range in the backyard during the day with no issues so far. A few days ago one of the leghorns started flying into the tree near the coop. The rest followed, but starting sleeping on the roof of the coop. Being the lenient Dad, I decided to let them because I haven't had any issues or signs of predators.

Bad decision- The brown leghorn that was sleeping on top of the coop got kidnapped overnight. No signs other than a few feathers. The others were acting skittish the next day. So last night I spent 20 minutes catching the boogers and making them go in the coop. Had to fish net the other leghorn out of the tree. I guess I have a couple of weeks of retraining and I need to trim the leghorns feathers.

Lesson learned.
Your Leghorn would've been attacked by a cat. Make sure all of your chickens are locked up in a coop with a secured door. My Leghorn is EXTREMELY flighty, i don't clip her wings but i don't let her sleep on the coop! But don't clip their wings, they'll need them if attacked to fly onto high ground to avoid the predator, such as a cat.


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