putting ducklings of different ages together


6 Years
Mar 3, 2013
So I know with chicks you aren't really supposed to put them together unless they are like within a week or they'll pick on each other. I was wondering if its the same with ducklings or if you don't have as big of a problem since they are more flocky? My current babies are 2 weeks on Wednesday, and I was thinking about getting more. If they need different cages we can do it, I was just curious if it was ok to put them all in one cage
I have chicks and duckling. I added 1, 2 day old hatched duckling to a group of 5wk old chicks and 3wk old Khaki Duck and he did just fine! The chicks actually took care of it. My older duck pushed him around for a bit the first day when he would try to drink but other than that left the duckling alone now and is best buds.
This was my experience, I bought two runner baby ducks, Ahhhhh soo cute, then about three weeks later we found Muscovy ducks and had to buy three of them.. Since it was only three weeks I figured they would be fine in the brooder I had set up.. One of the runner ducklings took a total dislike to the smallest Muscovys, and was just a bully (Manley knocking it on the head, and biting at its feet:( poor little thing... So I did seperate them and that way the smaller and younger ducklings could grow a bit.. I put the older ducklings outside fist, and then I started taking the Muscovys out side during the Day, I set up a seperate pen,by day three I put bthe younger ducklings in with the two older ones and it worked pretty good, when the older one started to pick on the smallest one able to get away (my daughter was having a fit, as her baby Muscovy was getting picked on the worse) it lasted about an hour, then they where a flock..lol
Now it's been three weeks since I got them all togther and it's pretty funny to see two runner ducks being followed by three Muscovy.. They all seem pretty happy and smaller ones snuggle In between the two runners..
Oh that's cute. I guess I'll go by how much larger the larger ones are. If only a little then no big deal, but if substantial, then I'lseparately
So it looks as if I'll get the new ones tomorrow. So my older ones will be 3 weeks old on Wednesday, but I think I may try to put them together, and just keep a close eye on them.

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