Putting feathered chicks outside in two separate groups?


In the Brooder
Oct 11, 2020
We have 8 chicks who are five weeks old. Five are regular sized (barred rock, orpingtons, autralorpos) and three are silkies. I'm wondering if the silkies might need a little longer to feather in, especially since it's a bit chilly outside. Would it be ok to have the five larger ones outside first and then have the silkies join just for the day and bring the silkies in at night for a few weeks? Or will that cause the older ones to possibly fight with the silkies? Thanks for any thoughts!
Thank you! We live in Maryland, US. In November, it's average low in the high 30s; high in the high 50s. December, low 30s; high 40s.

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