Putting hen with new chick in same coop as older chicks?


9 Years
Jun 3, 2011
I have a bantam hen (first time mom) and one 3 day old chick(only one hatched). Would it be okay to put them in the same coop as six 3 week old chicks? The bigger chicks spend 95% of the day in their run outside. I don't really have a better place to put her that the other layers won't bother her.
My biggest problem right now is that I have 2 other hens that were also sitting on the eggs with her. There are no more eggs to sit on but they have not moved from the nest. I don't have one of the wire cages to keep them in like is suggested to break broody hens. So I have everyone blocked out of the nest boxes until they give up. I have the momma in one half of the chick coop, separated with chicken wire, until the other broodies give up. The best solution would be to build another coop with multiple sections for occasions such as this, but that's not instant or cheap. I'm open to any suggestions.
Oh yeah I can see how that could be an issue. A few years ago I built some cages with 1"x1" boards and chicken wire. I am horrible at building things but they were cheap and easy to make. They were perfect for separating anyone out.
Hi all, i want to share with you what works for me with big success... Sometimes a few off my hens also get broody at the same time.. And also decide to sit on the same nest... sometimes three at a time... I then decided to make trapdoors for my nesting boxes and closed the broody hens one by one in a nesting box.. during the day i only open my breeding hens ones.. Normally at dawn around five to feed and walk around... Reason being that broody hens normally leave the nest ones a day if the nest box is open... But by doing this... I prevent them from climbing in together... You will be surprised how quickly the hens start to learn the new routine.. They will feed and climb back to their individual nesting boxes in no time.. Ready to be closed... Another plus point is that no fresh eggs will be layed with the older egg... Boosting hatching success... Just make sure that enough food and water are available when you open them...
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I also found that older chick normally "bully" younger chicks. Causing injury.... So i try to keep the different ages together to prevent this from happening...

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