PVC roosts

A 2x4 with the wide side up is an excellent roost. Also when it's cold they can sit on their feet to keep them warm.
I agree. My chickens prefer a wide, flat roost. My first chickens had a 1x1 round roost. They didn't like it and ended up huddled on the ground or roosting on the 1x1 square nest box bar. All of my roosts since then are 2x4 wide side up.
If you need semi circles you may be able to cut the shape out of plywood. Then you can make the flat side as wide as you want and the length and shape however you want it to be
It seems hard to find a consensus on 2x4s with wide side up or narrow side up. I thought I read somewhere about how they're feet are designed to lock in grasping position so its not uncomfortable and therefore not necessary to have a flat surface. And that their bodies can cover their feet even when grasping. The discussion of the grasping/locking anatomy sounded scientific enough that it convinced me. And they do roost in trees naturally. But I don't have firsthand experience with both to compare. Do most people on the forums seem to advocate wide side or narrow side of a 2x4 roosting bar?
You will not get a consensus. Some people adamantly believe the flat side up on a 2x4 is essential. Others are equally adamant that tree limbs or something they can grasp are absolutely required. The two sides will never agree.

I’ve put up 2x4’s with the narrow side up, 2x4’s with the flat side up, and used tree limbs. I’m convinced people care a lot more about this that the chickens do. Use whichever you wish and rest assured many people on this forum will agree with you.
LOL. Yes, it wouldn't be a good debate without two sides to keep it going. I don't have experience yet so I don't have a vested interest in either side. I'll do whatever the chickens seem to like! I'm just interested because it seems like this, of all things, would be one where there would be a fairly firm scientific answer as to which was more "natural". If both work, even better!
I would prefer 1 1/2" dowling like in a closet.When chickens wrap their feet around it they will not fall off.(unless it is too slick.)when they sit down their feet automatically tighten on the roost.If you ever butchered a chicken take the leg and put your finger under the foot then push down on the leg as if the chicken is squatting down on the roost.the foot will automatically tighten on the roost to prevent falling.In the past I have just used tree branches and they loved them.

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