Quail chick feed


Jun 19, 2020
England, United Kingdom
Hello. I have some quail chicks due to hatch within the next day or two.

Unfortunately my local feed store doesn't have any turkey starter or quail starter. They are ordering it in for me next week.

What else would be a suitable feed for the babies? I already have some turkey growers at my house. Would that be ok if it was ground up?
Any suggestions?
Hello. I have some quail chicks due to hatch within the next day or two.

Unfortunately my local feed store doesn't have any turkey starter or quail starter. They are ordering it in for me next week.

What else would be a suitable feed for the babies? I already have some turkey growers at my house. Would that be ok if it was ground up?
Any suggestions?
That would be better than nothing...it will do until your feed comes in. You might try some mashed up boiled egg to mix with it.
Also, if you have any Nutri-Drench, I'd add that to their water!
Turkey grower works totally fine. There's no problem with using it until they're mature.
Oh really!??
So can I do that every time or??
I can get hold of loads of growers but it's hard for me to get in starters.
What's the protein % on it and what brand? I used gamebird grower for mine as babies. I can't get starter here. Turkey grower and gamebird grower are essentially the same thing.
There you go. Would that be ok? 20201117_133415.jpg

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