Quail chick not well

It's still alive today. I got them a bigger box so they have lots of room for now. I will just let nature take its course :hmm. It doesn't seem any worse but still weak/sleepy

I've found the ones that aren't going to make it do a lot of peeping with their eyes closed. Hopefully your little one will perk up. I had one I was worried about recently but it did improve and it's about a month old now. Sometimes they take a few days to recover, then they are right as rain. :fl
It's not making much noise at all. It's still going and i saw it have a nibble at some food and have a drink, hopefully it just needs some rest. Everyone else is growing super fast and so much poop!
Sorry to hear that--I had two this year that didn't seem to be thriving, were much smaller and lethargic and not really eating or drinking--turns out they couldn't compete with the other chicks in terms of food and water and they just... gave up? I moved them to another container thinking they weren't going to survive, but once they weren't being trampled and pushed around, they started nibbling at the food and drinking water. They're now catching up in size and weight but still smaller (like half the size) than the others.

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