Quail Chick with weak neck?


In the Brooder
7 Years
Apr 12, 2012
Brisbane, Australia

I hatched 8 beautiful perfect quail yesterday, still had 2 to hatch. One hatched this morning.
Was a big surprise in a way because this egg was cracked on day 12 and repaired. Kept living so I left it.

Well the excitement of him hatching was short lived :-( he doesn't seem to be able to lift his head or control his neck??

He only hatched about 30mins ago but I can see him wanting to get up onto his feet but he can't :-(

Any ideas on how or if I can save him??
I hatched 8 beautiful perfect quail yesterday, still had 2 to hatch. One hatched this morning.
Was a big surprise in a way because this egg was cracked on day 12 and repaired. Kept living so I left it.
Well the excitement of him hatching was short lived :-( he doesn't seem to be able to lift his head or control his neck??
He only hatched about 30mins ago but I can see him wanting to get up onto his feet but he can't :-(
Any ideas on how or if I can save him??
I had them like that and they usually come around,,Had one that just laid in side and went in circles all aftrernoon /till my bed time..Next morning couldn't pick it out from rest So there's hope...cva34
Just an update. He is now getting stronger by the hour. Sitting up now. A bit unco on his feet and a lot smaller then the others but doing well in his own little brooder

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