Quail leg problem


8 Years
Apr 19, 2014
I have noticed that one of my birds got two ridges along the front of both of her legs.I watched her closely and then about a month later she started limping. Then a week later almost all of my flock had ridges along their legs.

Here are some pics

This bird does not have the problem

This birds is limping

This bird recently got the ridges

Does anyone know what this might be and do I need to fix it?
While I'm not positive as to why your bird is limping, the third picture with the pronounced ridges does look a bit concerning. It might not be serious, but it could be that mites are getting under the bird's scales.

I've heard of people using petroleum jelly to suffocate the mites that are under the scales, but I have never tried it myself. I'm sure there are other forms of medicinal "parasite killers" that could assist in the process as a precautionary step as well.
How old are they? Could just be callousing from their cage floor if its a wite floor. What you have to be careful of is bumble foot (from those pics i couldnt say for sure but its unlikely from the shape and size) its essentially a staph infection that birds get in their feet. im on mobile so i cant drop you a link but a quick search will bring up lots of info. Post pics of the top and bottom of the foot as well and we can be more helpful.
While I'm not positive as to why your bird is limping, the third picture with the pronounced ridges does look a bit concerning. It might not be serious, but it could be that mites are getting under the bird's scales.

I've heard of people using petroleum jelly to suffocate the mites that are under the scales, but I have never tried it myself. I'm sure there are other forms of medicinal "parasite killers" that could assist in the process as a precautionary step as well.
I would give the petrolium jelly a try. This could be leg scale mites. Rub into well up into the scales. Try not to hurt or damage the scales when doing this however. Do this daily for a couple of weeks. This will suffocate the mites. You can also use Iverectin Horse paste. This no longer kills internal mites but it does a great job with external mites. Squeeze one bee bee sized dolup onto the front to the tongue of the bird.

As DC mentioned as well, this could be from standing on wire too long as well. Older birds can get arthritis and the foot joint can swell and cause the scales to raise a bit. even Gout can do this too. Usually the toes swell as well with either of these.

But I would start with trying to get rid of any leg scale mites. Since this is treatable, you can then eliminate mites if this is not the case.

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