Quail on Deep Litter - Why it Works

Why sevin dust instead of DE? I'd think it would be the other way around. I have to much ground space for all me birds to use either everywhere but do put a little of each in the areas they take dust baths. Also use ash left over from burning off the cut down cedar trees.
DE is a crystal. As birds inhale it, it can cause small cuts all throughout their respiratory system.

The other reason is, no one has proved to me that DE works....For anything. All the info you read on it's benefit is suggestive, and it has a long history of being unsuccessful at solving any of the problems people say to use it for. There is no actual research that proves the effectiveness of DE. Anywhere.
Potato, Potaato. It's abrasive to their lungs. They recommend you wear a dust mask while handling it, if isn't safe for me to breathe it isn't safe for a bird with lungs the size of a quarter.
not a crystal, actually it's fossils of ancient marine organisms,Diatomaceous earth consists of fossilized remains of diatoms, a type of hard-shelled algae.I have found it succesful treating aphids. and slugs.

DE can cause silicosis, and when they are dust bathing in it clouds of it would go into the air. I don't want to be breathing it either, since I'm their keeper. Best to keep DE on the perimeter of the birds' enclosures.

dc it will work to keep insects repelled, I've not noticed it killing them. Ants will go a long way to avoid crossing it..but it must be kept dry. Wet DE is no deterrent. I've noticed some feed manufacturers are adding it to their feed, I assume to keep moths and other bugs from infesting the feed.
Yep dust up those birds with sevin , brilliant
You can use sevin dust for lice and mites. People say DE works, but I'd honestly rather have my birds breathing sevin dust than DE.
dc3085, got a good laugh from your statement. We suffer the lack of rain horribly here in the TX Hill Country too but are getting just enough to water the miserable weeds and breed mosquitoes. I'm being eaten alive if I don't soak myself in repellent. I'm going to pick up a couple dozen feeder goldfish today to throw in the mudhole next door that has to have a jillion vampire mosquitoes that makes a bee-line to our house to suck blood. I emailed the neighbor and asked if he and my husband can perhaps create a drain trench from it with their tractors. He better say YES!!!! We'll need to wait until it dries up.

Have to say I feel concern for the poor goldfish. Intend to put a few in my rain catch barrels ..... will take care of them but won't be able to those I put next door. LOL, can you believe I'm feeling bad about the death of feeder goldfish?
Don't feel bad about the fish. My 3 year old nephew is slaughtering them faster than you could hope to. His parents put them in the water troughs for their cattle and goats. He takes them out to play with them, then tells his mom they're just sleeping when she asks why they are floating around the trough.

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