Quail suddenly became aggresive!


In the Brooder
Nov 28, 2021
So one of our female quails became really aggresive since 2 days,she attacks any quail near her and even chases them sometimes. She was normally the bullied quail,the others would peck her and the male would always have sex with her so i was happy at first that she pecked them back but now everyone's afraid of her and she is really aggresive, what should i do??
So one of our female quails became really aggresive since 2 days,she attacks any quail near her and even chases them sometimes. She was normally the bullied quail,the others would peck her and the male would always have sex with her so i was happy at first that she pecked them back but now everyone's afraid of her and she is really aggresive, what should i do??
I had to eventually cull my few males. Since I didn’t like culling for meat anymore I’m ok with just the eggs for now. I might choose to raise meat birds just for the fall as my hens 5 to 1 Roos ratio still caused aggressive behaviors (hens always looked harassed).
Quail can become aggressive when they are in the mating mode. I notice that when I turn up the light cycle to get somew inter hatching eggs, the boys get excited and the girls get defensive. Springtime and in love makes for crazy emotions.
Quail can become aggressive when they are in the mating mode. I notice that when I turn up the light cycle to get somew inter hatching eggs, the boys get excited and the girls get defensive. Springtime and in love makes for crazy emotions.
Yes, the males got so aggressive I culled them :-/ I am interested more in eggs more then anything else. I've heard from Living Traditions Homestead that too much space in the cages may cause a territorial aggression... I may put a divider in my cages to see if this might help with my new eggs (purchases this year from Myshire Farm).
Yes, the males got so aggressive I culled them :-/ I am interested more in eggs more then anything else. I've heard from Living Traditions Homestead that too much space in the cages may cause a territorial aggression... I may put a divider in my cages to see if this might help with my new eggs (purchases this year from Myshire Farm).
I know that a lot of the big breeders say that, but I've found that the more space they have with hiding places, the less violence I have.

I give my birds 2-3 square feet per bird. The big breeders cram 3 birds per square foot. It is quite possible that somewhere in between there is a violence breaking point, but I tend to think that it's hard to fight if there isn't enough space to move.
I have a bully bin and separate them for a few days but make sure they are side by side with the other quails so that they can see each other. After a 2-3 days, they are fine again but I do noticed that the pecking order literally rotates from one to another. I now only have two left and I thought they would be peaceful because all they have is each other but the pecking order continues. I hope that’s helpful.

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