Quail with serious foot issue


In the Brooder
5 Years
Aug 19, 2014

I have no idea what caused this but I would like to find out. If anyone has dealt with this before and knows anything then please share.
Looks like a bad case of bumble foot. A small puncture, tear or cut can let in bacteria, causing the foot to become infected. It's very common in chickens. Do a search for bumble foot and you will find out all you need to know about it. It will be up to you if you want to treat it or cull the bird. If the bird cannot walk and the foot is badly infected a trip to the vet might be in order, or cull the bird to end it's suffering. This looks like it's been brewing for a while, it does not get this bad over night. Make sure to observe your birds frequently so you can help a bird before it gets this bad.
We fight this once and while..... Keeping it clean in naturally the hardest thing.... neosporin type crean can help but its hard to keep crud from sticking to it. Blu kote is used and helps too. We find that before any treatment, its best to fill a pan or small tote with very warm water, a little epsom salts and pine chips......Put the bird in the tote. Let it walk around in it for 20 mins or so..... The water and epsom salts soften the outter crud and draws out some of the infection.....The walking on the wood chips while doing this scrubs the wound clean.... I use Blu Kote after the foot spa. If this is real bad, it will be prone to happen again. In cases as extreme as yours, Its got to be a bird I really want to save or I cull it..... Good luck with your bird.
This is the only quail I have with this Bumble foot issue right now. Will definitely keep a closer eye out for this sort of thing in the future. Can you still eat them with this infection?
I have always been a bit irked by the idea of eat'n a sick bird or one with a raging infection.... But I guess thats a personal call.
Leyla "Two Crows" has more experience with Dr'n birds with bumble foot than anyone I know.... Every bird lives a very long happy life on her avian resort.... Moby and myself worked alot with large coturnix on wire. We found that a "Spa day" at the first sign of bumble foot, will head off alot of problems. The bigger your birds, the more you will see this problem. Wire, while easier, has its draw backs as well. This being one of the main ones. You can see the birds better and tend them easier, but its hard on their feet. This is where a sand box helps. So they can get off the wire. But while i was treating bumble foot, id fill my sand box with large shavings and not sand if I were trying to save the bird. You will rarely see bumble foot with a bird on the ground. Ground pens have their own set of draw backs too thou..... One or the other, it's about a wash in the end. Pick the method you like and enjoy your birds.... Good Luck
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