

In the Brooder
10 Years
Aug 12, 2009
Hi, my husband and I are hatching and raising quail for eating....we have Bobwhite and Coturnix (the Coturnix have been producing some Texas A & M quail and Pharoah). A couple of days ago, we noticed that we were hearing a bobwhite calling out in the woods behind our house. We are out in the country and have alot of wooded area around our home, but we have never noticed them before. I'm assuming that it is attracted to the ones that we have. I've searched the internet looking for information on whether they are social animals, but I'm not coming up with much. Any thoughts?


PS I'm preparing quail tonight, for the first time, and I'm having a hard time with the thought of eating them. I've really enjoyed watching them hatch and grow. I didn't think I was attached, but.....
I have had Coturnix and never drew BW.Then I got some BW and they definetly got the wild ones attention...cva34

They can be cross bred but I know little.Some call them Bobbirds..Strombergs used to sell them
The short answer to your qual query is yes, they are social. They will form a covey in the wild for sure. Here on our parents farm there are about 4 coveys of Valley Quail. We raised several a few years back and let some go free. We had sightings of the ones we had released with the local coveys.

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