Quails Not Laying Yet


Aug 27, 2020
I have 4 Coturnix quail that are about 8 weeks old now. I just heard one of them crow, confirming he’s a male, but the other three are supposed to be hens and have speckled chests and no bulge when I checked the vent.
I read they usually start laying between 6-8 weeks, but I haven’t seen any eggs yet. They’re outfit in a fully enclosed coop. They get about 15 hours of daylight every day right now, but are in a shaded area. They’ve got plenty of hides, food, water, and even some oyster shell.

Is there something I’m missing? The breeder I got them from was also surprised because his started laying already.
Thanks in advance

6-8 weeks is common, but I've had them start laying as late as 12-14 weeks. Here are a few things that can keep quail from laying:
1. Not enough light. They need 14-16 hours of light per day to lay regularly.
2. Too many roos. If there are too many males, the hens become stressed and won't lay.
3. Predators nearby. If the hens don't feel safe, they won't lay.
4. Changes in their environment. Quail don't particularly like change. They will often stop laying if they have been moved or had their pen rearranged.
5. Moulting. Hens will stop laying when they are moulting.

I'm sure your hens will start to lay before too much longer.
Thank you for the advice. I do just rearrange and redo the coop last week so that’s certainly possibly the reason!
Most start laying from 6-10 weeks old, but I've had exceptions. I had a hen who didn't lay until she was four months old! My newest editions to my flock have started at five weeks old.

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