Quals who make the Great escape


11 Years
Aug 12, 2008
Staten Island NY
It might be a silly question to ask.......I just thought of it now.

I live in Southern NY. If one of my A&M Texas quails accidently get loose ......will they be OK in NY weather and find shelter.... or will they head off for a warmer climate? I'd hate to think they couldn't make do on their own if they managed to escape me outside when they are older. I do live next to protected bird sanctuaries and marsh lands, woods. I just wouldn't want to worry about them supposing the worse happened.
....Not me...I couldn't sleep with myself letting something conveniently "loose" after assuming responsibility for it!

I can't wait to pickle us eggs besides.

They make the funniest little sounds. I am enjoying mine.
Thanks, I didn't think it would be a happy ending for them. I think I'll clip their wings when they are older to make sure they stay put.
yeah they are not hard to catch as long as you dont have prickly bushes for them to get into. there have also been several threads where escapies came back the next day, even several days later they go back to their pens or close to where their friends are. Now my escapies are a different story the ones in my outdoor pens get caught by my cat before I can even turn around. I loose some here and there because of it, but he is fast and they dont even have a chance to suffer. Cant really blame im they are delishis.

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