Quarantine/ flock reintroduction question


Apr 30, 2020
Harrisonburg, VA (Central Virginia)
Hey everyone, quick question. One of our hens had bumblefoot and had “surgery” today to take care of that. Vet recommended keeping her separated for 8 weeks until she’s healed and off medication, etc. She’s in our temporary/ quarantine coop in our garage. However, I’m afraid of her being totally alone and separated from the main flock for 2 months. Besides the fact they’re social creatures, I don’t want to have to re-introduce her later. What would you guys do in this situation? My idea was to let her free range a couple hours every few days under supervision with the main flock so she remains a “member”. Would that help?
Vet recommended keeping her separated for 8 weeks until she’s healed and off medication, etc.

Did the vet say why? The exact reasons make a big difference in what else you can or should do.

Some possible reasons I can think of:
--Keep foot clean
--Restrict activity
--Prevent picking by other chickens
--Give medicine in food or water (only to her, without exposing other chickens)

And the vet might have different reasons, that I have not thought of.

My idea was to let her free range a couple hours every few days under supervision with the main flock so she remains a “member”. Would that help?

It might help her stay part of the flock, but putting her cage inside the coop or next to the run would be other ways to help her stay part of the flock.

Whether to do any of those depends on why she is supposed to be separate.

For example, supervising will prevent the other chickens from picking at her, but won't keep the foot clean or limit her activity.
Free ranging after bumblefoot surgery? Not a good idea. If she stepped on something pointy and got a cut she'd most likely get bumblefoot again. I would keep her near the chickens so she can talk to them but otherwise just keep her separated for 8 weeks as your vet says.

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