Questio about poop???!


In the Brooder
8 Years
Jan 20, 2012
My chick is 2-3 months old and yesterday his stool is black sometimes with orangey thing. His poo is not black black kind of stuff but like newspaper stuff you know like when its wet like blackish. Im not sure whats that is that cocci?
Hes doing fine, running and eating. I fed him banana the day/night before so i was thinking because of that? I really dont know what to feed him anymore since he easily gets over a food.
Since we dont have a feed store here, any suggestion what to give him that can be found at home. Like food and medicine?
Chickens produce two types of poop during course of day. Most abundant form is the drier type with firmer form and white parts of uric acid; the typical bird turd. The other comes from the ceca that break down some of the ingested fiber. The other looks to me like chocolate drops and has a lot more moisture in it.
You are going to see variation in its poop if it eats different foods every day. If I couldn't buy feed, I would feed a bit of whatever I was eating, plus kitchen scraps. It would be good if the chick has some time every day when it can forage for grasses, bugs, etc. for itself.

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