Question about breeding Chinese Geese...


11 Years
Mar 30, 2008
Wasilla, Alaska
I have a pair of Chinese Geese. A Goose named Lucy, and a Gander named Jake.
Lucy used to belong to a very good friend, and when they left for a week to go visit family, a fox came in and slaughtered 3 of their 4 geese and all 5 ducks they had... Lucy escaped with her life, due to sitting silently on her eggs underneath a shed. Her Gander though, was not that lucky. So Lucy was left alone, and once her goslings hatched (4 of them) she came to my house, to prevent her getting eaten by the fox... She was raising the babies alone, but I really wanted to get her a new 'mate'. So when I came across someone who had a White Chinese Gander that needed a home, I jumped on the chance. He came home a few days ago, and it was Love at first sight. :) Lucy and him are inseparable now, and he took over the role of daddy right away. It's like he's always been here! :)
I was surprised. I thought Lucy would strike out at him, because she had little ones, that aren't even half way grown! But when I brought Jake in, they immediately headed for each other, said hello, kind of 'wrapped their necks around each other' and that was it. They walked away together, with the goslings on their heels. I was completely shocked! I did NOT expect them to do that at ALL!
Now they are always together. For the first time since Lucy has been here, she is relaxed, eating and grazing more frequently, while Jake stands 'guard' with his neck up. Before he came, she was always on the 'lookout'. She never relaxed, was very noisy, and seemed stressed out constantly. I don't think she ever slept, but now she is dozing a LOT. :)

Lucy has the typical 'brown/grey' coloring with a black bill and basal knob, and Jake is a solid white with a 'pinkish' basal knob.
What should I expect their goslings to look like next spring?

Someone told me that they can be sexed at hatch, but as far as I was told, only Pilgrims can be sexed at hatching...
And input would be greatly appreciated! :)
Thank you in advance!
I am not a Chinese breeder but if you have a white and then a brown colored one you should get both colors and even pied looking ones I think. There should be other breeders that breed Chinese to help you with this breeding for next year.

So glad that both your goose and the gander clicked together and the babies now have a mommy and a daddy to help raise them. This is what you call love at first sight...
You have no idea. Those two clicked like I've never seen. Amazing! It really WAS love at first sight! They are inseparable now! And goslings have accepted Jake (the gander) as their new daddy. It was amazing! I just found them outside a few minutes ago snuggling (Lucy and Jake) with the goslings a couple feet away. Lucy and Jake had their heads rested on each others backs! So freakishly adorable!!!!!! :)
Quote: So when I came across someone who had a White Chinese Gander that needed a home, I jumped on the chance. He came home a few days ago, and it was Love at first sight. :) Lucy and him are inseparable now, and he took over the role of daddy right away. It's like he's always been here! :) What a shame that the fox got so many!
Geese so need to be in pairs. as a pair they work so well. she needed a male to look after the family, and the males absolutely love goslings. Nice match.
Last year I had a female on a nest but she didn´t have her own gander. Her sister, who didn´t have a mate and also didn´t hatch eggs, took on the role of gander! They made a nice family. This year they have their own ganders.

So pleased it all worked out so well.
Goslings from a brown chinese goose and a white chinese gander and vice versa, can/will be white, brown, pied(mostly), saddleback/paint , or the rare dilute.
I raise these color mixes. Which is just that, A mix! They are not a crossbreed so dont let anyone say that they are.
As for being sex linked i do not agree that they are. There are pages on here that claim that this mix is sex linked. With my experience i have gotten both sexes in all colors from both Brown gander x white goose and White gander x Brown goose.
Here are some of my chinese color mixes



Goslings from a brown chinese goose and a white chinese gander and vice versa, can/will be white, brown, pied(mostly), saddleback/paint , or the rare dilute.
I raise these color mixes. Which is just that, A mix! They are not a crossbreed so dont let anyone say that they are.
As for being sex linked i do not agree that they are. There are pages on here that claim that this mix is sex linked. With my experience i have gotten both sexes in all colors from both Brown gander x white goose and White gander x Brown goose.
Here are some of my chinese color mixes

Very beautiful birds.

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