Question about chicken not growing


9 Years
Sep 21, 2010
I went to this ladies house and she had 3 bantams that are 4 or 5 months old. They were all about the size of a 2 month old or smaller. They were all different breeds. What would make someones chickens not grow. Do you think this could be caused if she isn't feeding them chick starter?
Yes- We bought some chicks from a guy and then decided to go back a month later and get some more. When we went back he was feeding them WHOLE field corn. It was too big for them to get into their mouths. The chicks we got that day were half as big as the chicks we got a month earlier from the same brood. (Yes I reported him and the only reason I took more chicks was to save them from starvation!)
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Since i have a duck in my baby mix I am feeding a game starter it is 26% protine the babies actually seem to eat a bit less, but are growing faster than usual.

So yes if they dont get enough protien they wont grow. Also the chick starter has great vitamins and minerals in it.

FYI the cocci meds in chick starter is toxic to water fowl that is why I am using the game.
Thanks, I honestly questioned if they were getting fed at all. I think possibly they were stricty free range and had to find their own food or if they are getting food I don't think they are getting chick starter.
At this point they may always be small, but still cute right
BTW got any pics?
Yea, they are cute. I still feel sorry for them though. I just hope they are being fed at least layer food, or something. No, I am sorry I don't have pictures, they aren't my birds. What would you do if you came across this situation?


I might suggest/ask that/are they be fed starter. after that there is not much you can do other than file a cruelty report. or even ask if they would like you to take them off their hands.
Not that I need anymore chickens but, I would happily take them off her hands. My chickens do have a very nice set up here and are very spoiled. LOL!!! I even dreamed I kidnapped those little ones in the middle of the night so they would have a good home. I have thought about turning her in.. I don't want to do that if I don't have too, she is a sweet YOUNG lady. I just don't think she really understands what she needs to do. I believe she really loves these chickens. I am checking into the purina and I am gonna see if anyone around here sells it. I am thinking about buying her a waterer and a couple of food bowls and some of the Purina flock and then mentoring her on the proper way to care for them. I might see if there is anyway I can take the 2 or 3 babies that are tiny from not being fed properly. I am gonna think on it tonight. It is really hard because, I really don't know this girl.

You dont have a feed store near by? They should have a starter there.

I buy my feed there and have checked lables to be sure they were about the same. I found the feed store had a slightly better mix in the mineral side, the rest was the same(less filler in feed store too)

But if you really want Purina they should be able to get it.

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