question about giving treats to chicks


6 Years
Apr 6, 2013
I'm a new and first time chicken owner. My question is about treats. My aunt had chicken years ago and her loved Pecans.
We heavest and sell pecans so I know they are high in protein. But i know little about what right it give my chick which are 2 weeks old.

you think it will be ok to give them crushed pecans as a treat??

also i have Ground Grits and Corn meal that we made last year ( no addtives) ...would they enjoy that too?
I would offer then a little bit of everything. Chickens will like all sorts of things. Tomatoes, sausage, meat trimmings, apple cores. . . Make sure you are also offering free choice chick grit, or they can't digest anything though.
I would offer then a little bit of everything. Chickens will like all sorts of things. Tomatoes, sausage, meat trimmings, apple cores. . . Make sure you are also offering free choice chick grit, or they can't digest anything though.

good to know! i have the chick starter feed which would have the grit in it? since I've clean their place twice. they seem to be digesting their feed but I don't want to second guess it.
When I give my birds "chicken salad" as we call it (mashed up eggs, some greens cut up super small, maybe a bit of cheese and crunchy worms) I always mix some grit right in the food. I also sprinkle it on the pine shavings with sweet pdz. There is also a tiny dish with just grit for their taking. I have not seen them going for the tiny dish of just grit, as they seem to find plenty in the snacks and on the bottom of the brooder while doing their chicken scratch thing. Which is friggen adorable, btw.

I figure there will hardly be anything that they won't eat, so we are offering up snacks much like you would a new toddler. Adding one new thing and watching behavior and poops for changes. We are just steering clear of anything that has been peeled. (Save for the eggs, those don't count. lol) But like carrot peels, potato peels, left over onion peels. That stuff goes right into the compost.

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