Question about Isolation / What to do for Beak Injury


Apr 30, 2023
My almost 16 week old Plymouth Barred Rock injured her beak (we aren't sure how as we didn't witness the incident that caused the injury). She chipped off the very tip of the top portion of her beak and it bled a good bit. We finally got the bleeding stopped completely and we have her in isolation. Currently she's in her old brooder (it's a big tote with a lid that has a screen in it) and brought her into a room of the house since that was the safest place for her and would enable us to keep an eye on her since we don't have a garage.

I imagine she's in pain because of her beak but she isn't eating or drinking. We provided mash to her soaked in warm water to soften it as well as a jar of regular water and a jar of electrolyte water. I think I saw her take one little drink of electrolyte water and that's it, along with a few tiny bites of food.

As I'm writing this she now has her beak bleeding yet again because she keeps rubbing it in the pine shavings. I don't know what to do for her and there are no vets that take chickens anywhere close in my area. What can I do for her? We could not get styptic powder to stop the bleeding. Flour ended up finally stopping it and I held her wrapped in a towel for a while until we were sure the injury had clotted. Now after being in the brooder for about an hour she has it bleeding again. Will it stop on it's own? I'm kind of a wreck as I'm quite attached to my chickens and I'm new to this (have raised her and her three sisters from 2-3 days old). I desperately want to help her but I'm at an absolute loss.
If you can get her on a roost for the night to sleep, the blood should clot. Then get her off before daylight in your area, and isolate her. A soft towel might be softer. Beaks can be very painful when injured for a few days. Usually no treatment is needed, but sometimes an empty tea bag and crazy glue can be used to reinforce a cracked beak. Offer the soft mushy feed and some soft egg. Here is a good article to read:
Give her a cup of water with one teaspoon of sugar dissolved in it. This will counter any shock from the accident and elevate her glucose to help stabilize her.

Baby her for a few days as beak injuries are most painful of all injuries, there being more nerve endings in the beak than anywhere else.
If you can get her on a roost for the night to sleep, the blood should clot. Then get her off before daylight in your area, and isolate her. A soft towel might be softer. Beaks can be very painful when injured for a few days. Usually no treatment is needed, but sometimes an empty tea bag and crazy glue can be used to reinforce a cracked beak. Offer the soft mushy feed and some soft egg. Here is a good article to read:
Thank you so much! We got her to roost in isolation last night and when we came to check on her halfway through the night she ate and drink some. This morning it doesn't look like she's been bleeding at all. We have her some mushy food but I will also try giving her an egg!
Give her a cup of water with one teaspoon of sugar dissolved in it. This will counter any shock from the accident and elevate her glucose to help stabilize her.

Baby her for a few days as beak injuries are most painful of all injuries, there being more nerve endings in the beak than anywhere else.
I've been providing electrolytes and regular water since we brought her in, but she does seem a little sluggish this morning so I'll try giving her some sugar water as well! Thank you!

Oh I've definitely been babying her. I've been petting on her and doting on her since she got hurt. She's one of my babies just like my dog!
Glad that she is not bleeding and that she is well taken care of. Chickens can get run into metal fencing or poke their beaks through it and cause beak injuries. When she is back with others I would keep an eye on their behavior. Hopefully, it won’t be too long.

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