Question about letting eggs "rest"


Transplanted Hillbilly
11 Years
Jun 27, 2008
Southeast AR
I received some eggs in the mail Tues. Since I'd never heard of letting them rest, I took them out after about 30 minutes and put them under my broody hen. Then I saw a post on here about how the eggs need to settle. Does this mean that they may not hatch? I did put some shipped eggs under her earlier this year and we had two chicks develop out of about 6 eggs. Can someone put my mind at ease? :eek:
I think they'll be fine. Sometimes shipping can disrupt the aircell and it's good to let the aircell settle back at the top where it belongs. Don't worry...your broody will take good care of them!
sometimes the air sack gets jostled out of postion ,some people think that if you let them set them round side up , say in an egg carton, and let them "settle" it will improve the hatch rate. Honestly , I dont know if that true or not, but just in case I do usually try and let them setup for a few hours before incubation temperatures are reached.

Bottom line, I wouldn't take them away from the hen now, let it ride.
I really dont think it makes any difference, an egg that is truly damaged in shipping is not going to repair itself by setting around. the only time it matters is if you get the eggs in cold weather. If the eggs are cold, you need to bring them to room temp before putting them in the incubator or under a broody. so dont worry, if the eggs are in good shape they will hatch, no matter if they rested or not!
Mine arrived today from the PO. They were cold to the touch. I put them in an egg carton large end up, and they are still there "resting". I will be placing them under my broody this evening.
That she hatches them for me!
Thanks for the encouragement everyone! I'll try to wait patiently now.

Quail_Antwerp, what kind of eggs did you get? I got some Cochin Bantys.

Pipermark, where in Arkansas are you? We're in Monticello.
When I unwrap eggs I candle real quick to check for cracks and inspect the air cell. I have never once have a dislodged air cell "repair" itself. I think it's more for the yolk and the temp. I do it for the temp since my eggs(yolks) are already "settled" on the counter of my PO for hours before I pick them up, but they are usually cool. You don't want the condensation to make your eggs wet from the temp change. Since it is warm out I think your eggs will be just fine. Don't worry about it, there is enough to worry about, like your first pip etc

Good luck!

Oh, btw we need pics after they hatch

edited for spelling
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