Question about my Black Star's feet


8 Years
Oct 11, 2011
I know Black Star's are mixes, so I guess this is normal...but...well, one of our 18 week pullets, Asha, has black feet, and black claws. The other one has green legs, and her toenails---the middle one on each foot is white and the rest are black??? Why is that? And what does the green legs mean?
I am by no means an expert but I'm sure that simple genetics comes into play. What was/is a recessive gene (green legs) could have been present in both parents and voila - you wound up with a green legged bird. Since each egg is fertilized separately the next one to have been fertilized only had the green leg gene from one parent. As far as the toes, again when mixed breed birds breed it can totally be a crapshoot as to what you get. IMHO Way back in the Dark Ages when I went to college, I took a course in genetics and that is what I remember. Accidents or undesireable traits or oddities like the one different colored toe are things that can be controlled or "bred out" in pure or thoroughbred birds.
I have two black sex links and they both have green legs. The underside of their feet is yellow. I read that was a Jersey Giant trait so I think they may have been crossed with one of them. Mine are the largest of all my hens. Mine lay light brown eggs.

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