Question about newly hatched


16 Years
Dec 12, 2007
Spring Hill, FL
I have had a crappy hatching so far. Two eggs that I am not sure if they will hatch, not seen much movement in awhile. Two hatched, one chick still had the egg sack and ended up dying. I have one who seems ok though. I have a few questions though, one is how long can he stay in with the incubator before he needs to go into the hatcher and eat and drink? I am not sure if the other two will hatch or not. My other question is that he seems dry to the touch but has a bit of goo on him from the other chick that didn't absorb the sack and it feels kind of crusty and not letting his feathers fluff. Can I wipe him with a warm wet towel or will he get chilled? I know what he feels like because I touched him when I removed the dead chick.
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They can stay in the incubator 48 hours or more without food or water. I'd leave him in, might help the others to hatch and opening the bator is not good for the eggs that still need to pip and hatch.

You did take the dead one out right? okay got it!

I wouldn't wipe the chick with anything, he could chill. You will be surprised how well they will fluff up in a day or two by just leaving them alone. If not, wait til he is in the brooder to try cleaning him up.
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Thank You, I will leave it in a bit longer then. I thought they could go like 48 hours, but couldn't remember for sure. Still nothing on the other two.
One was rocking and rolling yesterday but never piped and I haven't heard anything from it. I don't know if it is resting or died. I will give them a little more time. At least I have one little one who seems ok. If non of the others hatch I guess I will pick it up a friend.

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