question about prolapse in hens


12 Years
Apr 20, 2007
White Deer, Tx
I just found another hen that apparently prolapsed an egg but I did not find her until after she tore herself getting it out and the wound was full of maggots. This is the second hen in that last 2 to 3 months that I have found like this.

The first hen healed after about 1 month but I am not sure if she is laying again. This hen is a little worse than the first but I feel that she will heal as well.

Both hens are cochins and so with all of the feathers it has been hard to find the problem until it has maggots in it.

My question is what is causing this. Are these just "bad" hens or is there something missing in their diet. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

I would post pictures of my newest one but she is pretty gross.
Did your birds have an earlier bout of IB? (Infectious Bronchitis>often called a cold... respiratory infection) ? If so , it is notorious for damaging birds reproductive systems.
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