Question for the Peafowl breeders about egg laying (UPDATE!!! Some eggs are fertile) New Questions.


9 Years
Jan 17, 2011
Ok. My peahen usually free ranges. I penned her for 2 weeks before she started laying eggs, so I am hoping they are fertile.
I have my 4th egg now. I am going to put them in the incubator on Monday (as soon as my current hatch is done)

I want her to sit on the next batch of eggs.
The question is : How long will she take a break before beginning to lay again??
Will the second bunch of eggs be fertile, or do I need to turn her loose for a while with my male??

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I would say there is a higher chance they are not fertile. I have read studies that a hen will lay fertile eggs from 9 days to 29 days following interaction with a male, but the average is usually around 2 weeks. If you are removing the eggs when they are laid, she may not take a break for a while. I have had hens lay steady for a month and a half, with no break, but I have also had hens that would lay 4 or 5, skip a couple days, and then lay 4 or 5 more.
Ok. I have 7 eggs in the incubator. I should be able to candle them for fertility Sunday.
Some of these eggs are fertile. I have 7 in the incubator on day 6. She layed 2 more that I took out. I put my male in with her and he bred her within 2 minutes. (That was yesterday) She layed another egg today. Can I assume that one is infertile?? When would she lay fertile eggs?? If she is laying one every few days. Thanks
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i would say any egg layed after he mated with her. oh i candle peafowl eggs after 10 days. not 7 like chicken, then veins show more.
Thanks Deerman. I was hoping your would read this. I was also planning on checking the eggs again at 10 days.
I saw definite veining in 2-3.
yes vein will show at 7 days, but with my old eyes its easier at 10 days.

glad you got some fertile ones.....happy hatching

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