Question for those who hatch quail AND chix

how big are those eggs your are talking about? The Hova-Bator pretty much accommodates any sizes you have!
Darnit! I wanted to get an auto-turner for the LG because we do 1-2 all-bantam hatches a year, and it would be nice if I didn't have to manually turn them.

Oh well. Right now, I have banty eggs cookin' under a broody hen, so I'll just have to use broodies for my banty hatches from now on.
I have personally seen the egg racks at the store at it is verrrrrry small for quail... But it may be possible to interchange the racks........ E-mail an look into it... I am no pro I am buyin my 1st LG friday. And hatching quail out of it.
Banty eggs also vary in size. I had some bantam WFBS eggs recently, and they were tinier than even most of the quail eggs I've seen! The sebright eggs I've had in the past were roughly the same size as the quail eggs, so I was hoping a quail egg turner would suffice for use with banty eggs. Other bantams lay somewhat larger eggs--my silkies and d'uccles, for example, hatched from pretty small eggs, as well, but I think they were a little tiny bit bigger than the tiny sebright and WFBS eggs I had in the past.
some of my serama eggs fit in my quail rails some are the same size as large fowl eggs they do not fit I have 2 sets of chicken rails and quail rails I can mix and match whatever combo I am hatching that week

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