Poulets De Cajun

11 Years
Jun 14, 2008
Houston MetroMess, Texas
I CANNOT believe this! I set the very first egg I ever got from my Seramas and it turns out it was fertile! And it just hatched!!!

I know your not supposed to incubate a pullets first few eggs, but it WORKED! I have a new Serama chick!

Pics to come later.
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Congrats! Gives me hope for the pullet egg I stuck in my bator.... LOL Do post pics of your new baby! What color does it look to be? I love those little Seramas!
I've put in pullet quail eggs and they hatched and were fine
Well the celebration was short lived I am afraid. I'm quite sure the chick isn't going to make it. He is completely out of the shell, there wasn't any blood, and the yolk was completely absorbed, but he appears to be struggling. He is LOUD and peeping up a storm, but he has yet to try and stand up on his legs. He is stuck in what would be comparable to the human fetal position. He can move them and everything, he just isn't where I would expect him to be.

Are Serama's slow getting going?
YEAH! When I got up at 1030pm this evening to head off to work, the chick was standing up and running around the hatching tray! WOOOWHOOO!

They are mighty different than the Silkies I am used to. This one threw me for a loop!
awhh YAY!!!!

I got my first ever serama chick hatched he's weak too I wonder if it's just a phase the lil cherubs go through!? He'll be fine but he's sure snoozen a lot

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