Question of the Day - Saturday, May 25th, 2024

Yeah, the only coding he's heard of is BASIC (Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code) and when I started learning HTML and Java, he said, "You ain't doin' it right! Why aren't you writing flowcharts and stuff?!" Because we don't do that any more, Dad.
And he tells me to "close all those flipping tabs you got open!" When I have 4 tabs...
Oh my. He must be older than my dad.

My Dad is the opposite with tabs. Has probably around 20+ tabs open on his desktop, and maybe 10+ on his laptop. His desktop can handle the load, but he does all this in a virtual machine, and I feel the poor computer can't keep up with that many tabs, a ton of file manager windows, and Rhythmbox running outside of the virtual machine. It does a good show of keeping up, but slows down at times.
His laptop is a Core 2 Duo VAIO of some kind. Messed up screen too. But he loves that thing and won't get a newer computer.
He probably grew up when multitasking didn't really work well.
Multi-tasking has always been around and has always worked well.
After Gen X is when it started not working so well. That's why it got a name. So people could talk about it. In my day we all did it and didn't need to talk about it.
Multi-tasking has always been around and has always worked well.
After Gen X is when it started not working so well. That's why it got a name. So people could talk about it. In my day we all did it and didn't need to talk about it.
Didn't even think about it, it was just life
Multi-tasking has always been around and has always worked well.
After Gen X is when it started not working so well. That's why it got a name. So people could talk about it. In my day we all did it and didn't need to talk about it.
I mean on the computer. You know, having more than a tab or two open, or having twenty tabs open in one window and your video playing on a separate window side by side.

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