Question of the Day - Thursday, February 29th, 2024

The easy way to get a answer for this question:
Flip a coin. Heads is dare, truth is tails. If your heart sinks at the outcome, you know the answer is the opposite. If you're happy with the outcome, then that is your answer.
Now tell me the truth: what did it taste like? If it was chocolate coated would it have been better?

I was too grossed out to chew, so I swallowed it whole. Didn't taste a thing, fully regret eating it, and every time I feel a twinge I go into hypochondriac mode and swear up and down to my ever patient husband that he can expect me to be dead within the hour from parasites I got from a poor grasshopper over two decades ago.
I was too grossed out to chew, so I swallowed it whole. Didn't taste a thing, fully regret eating it, and every time I feel a twinge I go into hypochondriac mode and swear up and down to my ever patient husband that he can expect me to be dead within the hour from parasites I got from a poor grasshopper over two decades ago.
Was it one of these?

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